Friends with Brews Podcast is about friends Peter and Scott, beer, coffee, tea, and podcasting! It's also about Apple, fitness, food, random news, and sometimes our friend Adam!

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Episode 79 • When the Poo Emoji Hits the Fan

Thursday, 23 Jan 202548 minutes

Peter loses a lot of glasses, repairs a lot of shoulders, and has a lot of countries he can live in. Scott revisits some drink ratings and still hates most of the drinks he previously hated. The real question is, will Warby Parker glasses help Scott play Baldur’s Gate 3 any better?

Bird Rock Coffee Roasters Uraga


We've gotten some amazing reviews. Check these out!

Just when I think these guys are finally growing on me, I realize that's just a terrible fungus. - Slowly44Dying
Proof that anyone is allowed to start a podcast, but not everyone should. - WeNeedLaws
I listened to the WHOLE episode, not because of how great it was, but because I was working on my car, my hands were covered in grease, and I couldn't skip ahead to something else. You're welcome. - BustedTurbo