Red Rooster Coffee

Organic Funky Chicken Medium Dark Roast Signature Blend Coffee

Red Rooster Coffee says:

Our Go-To Crowd-Pleaser Coffee. When we first began roasting coffee we wanted to create a blend that would appeal to all audiences. With a lot of practice and a little luck, we created a winner. This blend features three coffees from three origins, roasted to three different profiles to create one of the most complex yet approachable medium to dark roast blends you can find. Tasting notes: Dark Chocolate Torte, Praline, Citrus, Nutty.

Peter says:

It's ok. I would thumbs up it. At first I thought it was too floral and citrus-y, but I'll put a splash of cream or cut it with Wegmans Decaf and it's very drinkable that way.