Episode 65 – A Teacup for Your Tempest

Peter has a Tempest (mic), Scott has a Bochi Bochi (beer), 3 bodies are a problem, technology is good but annoying, but Godzilla X Kong and Tonkatsu sandwiches are good and not annoying.

Scott: Friends with Brews.

Scott: Uh, my sound got really weird.

Peter: I didn’t do it.

Peter: It’s not my fault.

Scott: But you have a mic called a Tempest.

Peter: I do, because you told me to buy a mic called a Tempest.

Scott: Do you have a teacup for your Tempest?

Peter: Uh, no, but I have a beer stein.

Scott: Okay, let’s talk about our beers.

Scott: Let’s go right there.

Scott: Let’s just go straight to it.

Peter: Let’s just go right to it.

Peter: Let’s just for no ways.

Peter: All right, I today am having a Jacks Abbey Coffee House.

Scott: That sounds good.

Peter: Jacks Abbey, a returning brewery, but a new new new brew here.

Peter: It is a Hellas Lager with coffee.

Peter: And on the back, it says Kick Up Your Hellas.

Peter: Brewed with Pilsner and Vienna Malt and Wegmans Donut Shop Blend Coffee.

Scott: Oh my God.

Peter: Which is kind of funny because I almost bought a bag of Wegmans Donut Shop Blend Coffee today until I realized it wasn’t decaf.

Peter: So anyway, I almost had that twice.

Peter: But anyway, there you go.

Peter: So that’s what I bought.

Peter: What are you buying?

Peter: Or what are you drinking, I should say?

Scott: What am I drinking?

Scott: I am drinking a Crux Fermentation Project, which Crux is in Bend, Oregon.

Scott: You should never bend your Oregon.

Scott: You could break something that way.

Scott: It is Bochi Bochi Rice Logger.

Scott: It is Japanese Rice Logger.

Peter: Bochi Bochi desu ne.

Scott: And I’m going to do the old crack, not the Bend, Oregon crack.

Peter: You’re doing crack.

Peter: Scott’s doing crack.

Scott: Bending my crack in Oregon.

Peter: On the podcast.

Peter: Now, I know marijuana has been legalized in many states.

Peter: I don’t know about crack there, dude.

Scott: Well, it might as well be.

Scott: It’s pretty much the state drug, so.

Peter: Yeah.

Scott: Well, at least it was.

Peter: Yeah.

Peter: Let me open up my Jacks Abbey coffee house.

Scott: Actually these days, what is it that all the kids are on?

Scott: Adderall?

Peter: I don’t know.

Scott: No, it’s fentanyl, right?

Peter: Fentanyl.

Peter: You see, when I was a kid, you’d get in trouble for sniffing glue or maybe taking too much cough medicine.

Peter: And now we’re, let’s just say things have accelerated.

Scott: It’s out of control.

Scott: All right.

Scott: So you talk about the taste of yours first.

Scott: Take a nice long sip or have you already had one?

Peter: I have not.

Peter: I’m going to open it up right now.

Peter: Let’s take a look here and see what happens.

Peter: Cheers.

Scott: Oh, you have a real Stein.

Scott: That one’s darker than mine.

Scott: Mine is very pale as you may see.

Peter: Oh, it’s nice.

Peter: Okay, so it’s very smooth.

Peter: Very smooth, very smooth mouth feel.

Peter: I wouldn’t call it sweet, but it’s bordering on sweet.

Peter: And it has like a really it’s like a coffee aftertaste or, you know, it lingers on the back part of the tongue.

Peter: I feel a little bit of coffee there.

Scott: But interesting that a beer house would make a coffee house.

Peter: Mm, this is nice.

Scott: What is your your cup says proctologist or something on it?

Scott: What does it say?

Peter: It says it may as well.

Peter: It’s proof point.

Scott: Oh, OK.

Scott: I don’t know what that is.

Scott: I assume it’s a security related.

Peter: They’re the the the market leader in email filtering.

Scott: Oh, OK.

Scott: Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much proctology.

Peter: Yeah, pretty much.

Peter: I also pairing with this, I figured my neighbor made mini muffins.

Scott: Oh, my God.

Peter: And I figured I was going to have this with a cup of coffee.

Peter: But hey, I’ll have it with a cup of coffee beer instead.

Scott: Is your neighbor’s name Mini Me?

Peter: No, her name is not.

Peter: It’s Amy.

Peter: But it’s close to Mini Me.

Scott: All right.

Scott: Here comes the Bochi Bochi.

Scott: It is very light.

Scott: By the way, this is a like four point.

Scott: I don’t know what it is.

Scott: Four point nine percent.

Peter: This is five point two.

Scott: This would be strong for where where where was it that you were Massachusetts?

Scott: No, no.

Scott: In the tropical regions when you were Costa Rica.

Scott: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Scott: This would be super strong for Costa Rica, but for Oregon, it’s pretty weak, but it’s very good.

Scott: It’s very light tasting and it I can definitely taste the rice.

Scott: It’s got just a hint of I don’t know how to describe it, but Japanese beer in general tends to have a tiny bit of bitterness to it.

Scott: And this kind of has that.

Scott: But it’s definitely better than popping open a keating or something like that.

Scott: I’d rather have this.

Scott: This is good.

Scott: Yeah.

Scott: This is good.

Scott: Now, I will be talking about a food place later that we went to yesterday and we did see that they also have a different brand of Japanese rice lager, but we did not try it because it was the middle of the day and we weren’t there for drinks.

Peter: Day drinking?

Scott: No, I had to do day driving after that.

Peter: So day driving, day drinking and day driving do not day go together.

Scott: No, they don’t.

Scott: They lead to day arrests, day arrests, if you’re lucky.

Peter: Well, so far, this is good.

Peter: I’m enjoying this.

Peter: So that’s cool.

Peter: What are we talking about today?

Peter: Besides the beer?

Scott: I don’t know.

Scott: You had, well, right now you’re eating mini me or mini muffin.

Scott: Mini cake.

Scott: We were going to talk about a lot of stuff.

Scott: I, Peter, okay, here’s a tale of marital woe that I want you to listen to.

Scott: This is really distressing.

Scott: I knew that I wanted to watch Three Body Problem on Netflix because I had read the first book a long time ago.

Scott: Didn’t remember a lot about it, but it’s a, it’s a real famous, I guess famous, real famous.

Scott: I’ll say it’s real famous and the listener has to believe me.

Scott: It’s a real famous science fiction trilogy written by a Chinese author and translated into English.

Scott: And now it’s been adapted loosely to Netflix.

Peter: This is about polyamorous relationships, right?

Peter: Nope.

Scott: This is not going back to last week’s topic of you in the middle.

Scott: Listener, I almost got Peter to ruin his new microphone.

Peter: Real close.

Peter: No, you would have, I would have ruined my MacBook.

Scott: That would have been bad.

Scott: I would have felt slightly guilty, but I still would have left.

Scott: So no, it’s not about that, but it is science fiction.

Scott: And I knew that I wanted to watch it and my wife started watching it before me.

Scott: So every time I walked in the room, I had to run away because I didn’t want to be, I didn’t want spoilers.

Scott: And I didn’t have time to start watching it for a few episodes.

Scott: I think she made it through the entire first season, which is eight episodes.

Scott: And either she’s through it or she’s close to being done with it.

Scott: And I’ve just started.

Scott: I’m on episode three right now.

Scott: I’m near the end of episode three.

Scott: And I got to say, I like it.

Scott: I read a lot of reviews saying it just wasn’t that good.

Scott: They took a wonderful book series and ruined it, blah, blah, blah.

Scott: So far, I haven’t seen the ruining.

Scott: Now, granted, I’m only mostly done with three out of eight episodes.

Scott: But I got to say, it’s definitely worth watching in my estimation.

Scott: And even though I kind of know where it’s headed, it’s still interesting.

Scott: The characters are really good.

Scott: The acting is really good.

Scott: I especially like the Chinese actors and the Chinese actors’ backstories.

Scott: There’s a little bit of cultural revolution thrown in for good measure.

Scott: By the way, I didn’t realize that the cultural revolution went on for so bloody long.

Scott: That Mao guy was serious.

Scott: Yeah.

Scott: But I will say, and this is a completely ignorant statement, but very loosely, I’m not trying to draw any direct comparisons.

Scott: But the fact that they were kind of uprising against institutional knowledge kind of reminds me of modern-day America.

Scott: Not quite as glamorous as I’m sure getting killed in China was in the 60s and 70s, but similar.

Peter: That was glamorous?

Peter: Is that what people did for fame and fortune and-

Scott: No, but I mean, it’s got some zing and excitement to it, you know what I mean?

Scott: Whereas modern-day America is just damn depressing.

Scott: But you look back at the Cultural Revolution, you think, my God, what an exciting time.

Peter: Wow.

Scott: Yeah, exactly.

Scott: I mean, I’m sure some people don’t, but from somebody who wasn’t connected to it whatsoever, it seems pretty exciting.

Peter: Yeah, looking at it from the outside, sure.

Scott: History is always amazing.

Scott: That’s why Ronnie loves history because he doesn’t have to be burnt at the stake or whatever.

Scott: He can just read about it and enjoy it.

Scott: Okay, anyway, where were we?

Scott: So yeah, three body problems.

Scott: So far, I recommend it.

Scott: I recommend that Peter of Nicolay’s watch it at some point.

Scott: I am definitely going to go back and reread the first book.

Scott: And then if I like the first book, I’m going to go through the second two books.

Scott: I’ve already purchased the second of the two.

Scott: So I must now indeed make that commitment or else $13 or $9 or 25 cents.

Scott: I don’t remember what it costs.

Scott: Anyway, it will be wasted.

Scott: And I won’t do that, Peter.

Scott: I just won’t do that.

Peter: Yeah, excellent.

Scott: What about you?

Peter: So I wanted to talk about a couple of things.

Peter: Did you know if you have two iPhones and you log in to the same Apple ID on them, it synchronizes voicemail between the two?

Peter: Even if you have two different phone numbers.

Scott: Oh, interesting.

Scott: Okay, that’s the part.

Scott: That’s the detail that I wasn’t thinking about, which is so obvious.

Scott: I mean, how could they have the same phone number?

Scott: Well, I guess they could.

Peter: You can do it.

Peter: There’s a thing called number share, where I think you can do something like that, but I don’t know exactly.

Scott: Okay, now I see why you were so excited.

Peter: Two phones, two SIMs, two different phone numbers, same carrier.

Scott: One set of voicemail.

Peter: I don’t know if that matters or not, but yeah, which is really kind of cool because I have my father’s old phone and I don’t have to carry it around.

Peter: Now, I may miss a call, but as soon as the voicemail shows up, I will get the voicemail.

Peter: And that’s pretty cool.

Scott: That is pretty cool.

Peter: Yeah.

Peter: So it was pretty slick.

Peter: But yeah, in addition to the other stuff that you expect Apple to sync across devices like messages, for example.

Scott: Which sometimes happens.

Peter: Which sometimes happens.

Peter: Well, it always happens eventually.

Scott: Yeah, eventually.

Peter: You know, it doesn’t happen when you want it to.

Peter: Right.

Peter: Yeah.

Peter: And it certainly doesn’t happen at your convenience.

Peter: But eventually your messages get synced.

Peter: So that’s cool.

Peter: But yeah, I was pleasantly surprised.

Peter: All of a sudden, you know, my dad’s old voicemails started showing up on my phone.

Peter: I was like, oh, so essentially I can leave the old iPhone SE at the place in Vermont and that’ll be the house phone, you know, and it’ll just be there.

Peter: So and then the voicemails will just eventually show up here.

Peter: So that’s, I thought that was pretty slick.

Scott: All right, here’s a really stupid ADD question for you.

Scott: When you know you’re not going to be there for a while, are you going to unplug that iPhone knowing that it’s an older phone and its battery will probably die before you get back there?

Peter: That’s a good question.

Scott: But you know why I’m asking.

Scott: I just I feel nervous about leaving phones plugged in for eternity when I’m not there.

Scott: I don’t like the main batteries do catch on fire sometimes.

Peter: Tough call.

Scott: Yeah, tough call.

Scott: Maybe you could leave it plugged in, but put it in a tub of water or something.

Peter: That’s an idea.

Scott: So that way if it bursts into flame, it’ll immediately go out.

Peter: It’s an idea.

Scott: I have ideas.

Peter: I’m not saying it’s a good one, but it’s an idea.

Scott: I’m known for having ideas.

Peter: I wouldn’t do that.

Peter: No, I probably would just leave it.

Peter: Honestly, I might just leave it sitting on a Qi charger and just tell it.

Scott: Oh, you’re even more you’re really going to heat that battery up and just warm it up.

Scott: You’re like, damn you.

Scott: I dare you.

Peter: Well, you don’t want the place in Vermont to freeze, so, you know, it’s true.

Peter: All right.

Peter: So that was kind of cool.

Peter: I thought that was pretty neat.

Scott: Yep.

Scott: That is actually pretty cool.

Peter: I did take a look.

Peter: I know.

Peter: I thought about this.

Peter: So I heard that Apple is going to be selling the MacBook Air’s M1 at Walmart.

Scott: Yes.

Peter: And Best Buy.

Scott: Yes.

Peter: And even though I don’t need one, right?

Peter: I have an M2.

Peter: I have an M1 iPad, which is functionally pretty close to a MacBook Air M1, right?

Peter: Smaller screen, detachable screen, touch screen, but you know.

Scott: If you discount the operating system, which to me is the thing that matters.

Peter: Absolutely.

Scott: Right.

Peter: But I don’t really need it.

Peter: But I did think briefly.

Peter: I was like, wait, I could buy one of those and leave that at the place in Vermont, that could be my Vermont machine.

Peter: But anyway, but I didn’t do that.

Peter: But I thought it was interesting that Apple is selling in Walmart now.

Peter: You know, or will be, you know, so that they’re doing.

Peter: But of course, in classic Tim Cook fashion, here you can take our oldest, take our junk bottom of the line model that we’re not going to sell anymore, but you can have this.

Peter: It makes me wonder though, like, is Apple going to, you know, approach like the, you know, different markets with this, you know, because I was thinking about it.

Peter: I had been thinking about getting myself a Chromebook just to have like essentially a throwaway laptop, like for traveling and stuff.

Scott: Yeah.

Peter: Why wouldn’t I get a MacBook?

Peter: Well, one is security crossing over borders and things like that.

Peter: It’s way easier just to completely nuke a Chromebook.

Scott: For going out of the country.

Scott: Whole different story for going out of the country.

Scott: I would not want to take my Mac.

Peter: Right.

Scott: I mean, I would want to, but I wouldn’t want to.

Peter: I would want to, but I would not want to.

Scott: Yes, exactly.

Scott: Right.

Peter: That’s what I was thinking.

Scott: That’s a good point.

Peter: That’s what I was thinking about.

Peter: So yeah, it was kind of interesting.

Scott: Yeah.

Peter: So I wanted to touch on that.

Peter: And then two things.

Peter: So something good and something annoying.

Peter: And then there’s something good and annoying.

Peter: That’s what I have right now.

Scott: Isn’t something good and something annoying the name?

Scott: Oh, no, no, no.

Scott: The name of our podcast is Someone Good.

Scott: That’s you and Someone Annoying.

Scott: That’s me.

Scott: Sorry, I get confused.

Peter: I think that’s the subtitle of the podcast.

Peter: Pretty sure the name of the podcast is Friends with Brews.

Peter: But maybe you’re talking about this specific episode, the three beer problem.

Peter: I don’t see the problem.

Peter: I don’t see the problem.

Peter: What is the problem with three beers?

Scott: It’s the problem to be solved.

Scott: And the only way to solve it is with three beers.

Peter: Let’s talk about something good first.

Peter: What’s your default terminal on your Mac these days?

Scott: Warp.

Scott: Warp.

Scott: My default terminal is warp.

Scott: And I’ll tell you, Peter, it was hard for me to come to that decision because as you know, many times in my life, I am reflexively anti whatever the current trend is.

Scott: Because I hear people talking about stuff and insisting that it’s the only way to live and I immediately become annoyed.

Peter: Yeah.

Peter: But you also, even if you do make that assertion and you go in that direction, you also are much less wedded to an existing situation or existing solution.

Peter: Like when I get things, like I love trying new stuff, don’t get me wrong.

Peter: But I’m also like, this is what I’ve got right now.

Peter: And until something really ticks me off, I tend to stay with the solution I have.

Peter: So rectangle versus, there was another window organizer, or whatever, you know, etc.

Peter: You were using like, you’re like, okay, I just bought this.

Peter: And I was like, okay, fine.

Peter: I will part with my precious $9 and buy Rectangle Pro.

Peter: But that’s it.

Peter: I am not changing again.

Peter: We’re sticking with that.

Peter: And then you’re like, hey.

Scott: And then I switched two more times.

Scott: Yeah, I do all this.

Peter: And I was like, well, you have fun with that.

Peter: I’m staying back here on my Rectangle, damn it.

Scott: Yeah, but in fairness to you, Peter, you also, I think it’s fair to say, even though I feel busy sometimes, I think it’s fair to say that you probably have a lot more on your plate than I do.

Scott: And I can totally understand you, instead of getting on the computer to try new things and play with things and be John Siracusa and live in the finder.

Scott: I can totally understand you wanting to get your system that works and just bloody use it and get your stuff done and get off the computer.

Peter: I used to want to always play.

Peter: I was downloading things, installing things, playing with things constantly.

Peter: I just don’t have that time anymore.

Scott: Yeah, exactly.

Scott: And I think the older you get, the more that’s true because you just don’t have leisure time to spend rearranging things in the finder.

Scott: No, I totally get that.

Scott: But you’re right.

Scott: I am willing to revisit decisions.

Scott: And so I did revisit the warp thing because I found a bunch of…

Scott: because at first I didn’t understand it.

Scott: I was like, I don’t get it.

Scott: Why do people like this?

Scott: I don’t understand what it does for me.

Scott: And then I started using it and I started coming to the conclusion that it does a few things that I do like.

Scott: And there are some things I don’t like.

Scott: There are some things I wish they would do a little bit differently, but there’s a lot of things that I do like.

Scott: And basically the impetus behind warp…

Scott: First of all, right up front, I want to say that warp…

Scott: Some people don’t like warp’s privacy policy.

Scott: And I want you to understand that you have to have an account to use it.

Scott: Now you don’t have to have a paid account to use it, but you got to have an account, I believe.

Scott: I have an account anyway.

Peter: And so I have not looked at the privacy recently.

Peter: Would paying for an account get me any additional privacy?

Scott: No, I don’t think so.

Scott: What it gets you is team collaboration features, that kind of stuff.

Scott: Now, I don’t think, to be honest, I don’t think they’re really doing that much, but I think they have the ability…

Scott: I think what they can do is aggregate information about what you’re doing with your terminal, stuff like that.

Scott: Stuff that could never happen with a normal terminal.

Scott: Like, when you download iTerm2 or you use the MAX built-in terminal app, ain’t nobody knowing what’s going on in your terminal except you, unless somebody else is on your machine.

Scott: So Warp is a little different in that they could theoretically track some stuff.

Scott: To be honest, I’m not that worried about it, obviously, or I guess I wouldn’t be using it.

Scott: But it is…

Scott: Anyway, take a deep look at their privacy policy, look at their account setup, and decide if it’s for you.

Scott: That’s more than fair, I think.

Scott: Having said that, I’m still using it.

Scott: But the whole premise behind it is, modernize the terminal.

Scott: Like in the standard Mac terminal, how do you select text?

Scott: It’s totally different than selecting it.

Scott: You can’t use the standard Mac keyboard shortcuts, you can’t use the standard keys to jump around.

Scott: You have to do things the bash way or the ZSH way.

Scott: And the whole premise behind Warp is, let’s just make it like a freaking modern app.

Scott: And if you have a doc file there, you can click on it and it opens up, or a text file or whatever.

Scott: You can select text the way you normally would.

Scott: You can, you know, you have work, you can set up workflows that will run commands for you, which are basically like command shortcuts.

Scott: So I have workflows to switch directories to and start my develop environment for my websites and start VS code and then start the local development web server and all that.

Scott: Things like that.

Scott: There’s different shortcuts.

Scott: There is AI, but I never really use it, to be honest, because I have Raycast AI.

Scott: What else?

Scott: Oh, there’s things like blocks.

Scott: So when you execute a command, it keeps that command and the output of that command in a block.

Scott: And then you can go back to that block and filter and search and do all kinds of things anytime you want.

Scott: There’s also nice features in blocks like copy the command, copy the output, copy both the command and the output so you can copy everything all at once.

Scott: It’s just really nice.

Peter: So I don’t even remember how to do that.

Peter: I know you can do it and I went through the tutorial, but I’ve forgotten how to do that.

Peter: I’m aware of where the blocks are, right?

Scott: That’s the thing is like it takes a while to stick to you.

Scott: So like if you’re looking at a block up at the top hand right of a block, there’s controls.

Peter: I see that now.

Scott: Yeah.

Peter: I don’t always see that because I have a very wide window and most of my work goes on down in the lower left corner, not the upper right corner.

Peter: So I have to draw my eyes to that.

Scott: You can filter blocks by either using one of those controls or doing an option shift F and filtering a block will let you type in a search term and it will only show lines that match that search term.

Scott: So it’s like a grep.

Scott: But the nice thing about filtering this way is you can undo it at any time.

Scott: You can change your grep at any time.

Scott: You’re not constantly redoing it.

Scott: You can save that same block and you can always go back and re-query it later or do whatever you want.

Scott: You can also do a search in a block, which is you would think would be like a filter, but it’s not because the search will just highlight the instances of whatever you’re searching for within the block, but it’ll keep the entire output for the block.

Scott: Things like that.

Scott: Yeah, I don’t know.

Scott: I like it.

Scott: Command history is a little bit different.

Scott: Control R.

Scott: I think it’s Control R.

Scott: Control R is a command to know because Control R will bring up a little command thing and that’ll let you select from workflows, history.

Peter: Control R?

Scott: I think so.

Peter: Or Command R.

Scott: No, Control R.

Peter: No, Control R, Command Search.

Peter: Interesting.

Scott: So like if you start typing, so like Command Search and it says, I’m looking for history workflows.

Scott: If you start typing workflows, it’ll fill in the word workflow.

Scott: You use your right arrow to jump past that to the colon and then you just start typing the name of your workflow.

Peter: So I have a question for you.

Peter: Under appearance, terminal opacity or transparency has been a thing for some years.

Peter: I don’t remember if I first saw it in the Mac OS terminal or I think it was, I probably first saw it in a Linux emulator, like in a, you know, a Gnome or a KDE terminal.

Peter: Why would you want your terminal to be transparent?

Scott: You don’t want it to be transparent, but you might want it slightly transparent so that you can see what other windows are doing underneath.

Scott: Like you might…

Peter: Why your terminal and not your word processor or your web browser or a finder window?

Scott: Because a lot of times in a terminal, if you use multiple windows instead of tabs, or if you don’t split your window pane in your terminal, but you use actual different windows, a lot of times you’ll be running command in one, and then you’ll go off and do something in another terminal window, and you’ll want to know when that other thing finishes, or something like that.

Scott: And that tiny bit of opacity will just let you keep track of stuff scrolling by underneath or something like that.

Peter: Couldn’t I do that though?

Peter: Like with an email, couldn’t I say like my email client should be slightly opaque or slightly transparent so I can see when I got a new message?

Scott: I don’t know.

Peter: I don’t know.

Peter: I’m just what I’m not saying it’s a bad thing or a good thing.

Peter: I’m just one.

Peter: I’ve noticed that terminal windows often have the ability to be opaque or, you know, slightly opaque or partially transparent, and I just don’t know why they’re different.

Scott: I think part of the answer is programmers and or especially people who are willing to futz around in the terminal are more likely to be control freaks and they just think it’s cool and they want to do it that way.

Scott: Because to be honest, I don’t use it.

Scott: Like I don’t use it.

Scott: I don’t have terminal transparency.

Scott: Now I do have a background image in my terminal and I have it 20% visible or something like that, so it doesn’t interfere with the text.

Scott: It just kind of looks cool.

Scott: But I don’t make the terminal window itself transparent by any means.

Scott: And I use tabs in Warp also, so it wouldn’t really buy me anything because there’s nothing underneath it that I want to see happen.

Scott: So I don’t really know the answer to your question other than it’s a thing and people like it.

Scott: And if you don’t have it, all the iTerm2 snobs will say, meh.

Peter: Yeah, I looked at iTerm2.

Peter: I think I downloaded iTerm2 and I started using that and I asked you, if you’re using that, you’re like, no, I use Warp.

Scott: I’m like, well, I had used iTerm2.

Scott: So I went from-

Peter: I know, but I had been using iTerm2 for about 20 minutes.

Peter: And so I was like, okay, I’m not committed to this yet.

Peter: Let me just grab something else and check it out.

Peter: And I’m glad I did.

Peter: I’m liking Warp.

Peter: I’m not even using 10% of its capabilities, I’m sure, but I’m starting to learn.

Scott: It takes a while to build up the muscle memory for sure.

Scott: And it took me a while of saying, I’m gonna make myself use this feature in order to get it to stick, but yeah.

Scott: For sure.

Scott: But I will say this about iTerm2.

Scott: It’s very popular, but I kind of find it slow.

Scott: I don’t like iTerm2.

Scott: It’s slow to open, it’s slow to get going.

Scott: I know people like it because it’s very customizable.

Scott: I don’t care.

Scott: It’s basically just a super customizable Mac terminal app.

Scott: And it doesn’t really change the way you do anything per se.

Scott: And I don’t know, it’s okay.

Scott: Go nuts with it if you like customizable stuff, but to me, it’s slow and I don’t like it.

Scott: So got it.

Scott: And I know people say that about me.

Scott: He’s slow and we don’t like him.

Peter: He’s slow and we don’t like him, but he’s what we got him.

Peter: So okay.

Scott: Yeah, we got him.

Peter: So, okay.

Peter: So that’s cool.

Peter: So warp is something cool.

Peter: We’ve both been using it for a while.

Peter: How long have you been using it?

Scott: I don’t know.

Peter: Months, months, I’ve been using it for maybe a month, a few weeks, weeks to a month, maybe a month, maybe more, maybe maybe months.

Peter: I don’t know.

Scott: Given my time tracking capabilities, I’m pretty sure it’s a lot longer than I think I’ve been using it because time goes by a lot faster than I think.

Peter: That’s probably true, yeah.

Peter: That said, also, warp is now available for Linux.

Scott: Yep, so all you Linus people out there can get your hands on warp.

Peter: Yes, line line X.

Scott: Linus?

Scott: No, Linus.

Scott: Linus on the desktop.

Peter: Linus on the desktop.

Scott: That sounds like a terrible calendar.

Scott: That’s not an open source calendar we want.

Peter: No, we don’t want Linus on our desktop.

Peter: Oh, brother.

Peter: Wow, that’s awesome.

Scott: Okay, so was that our depressing thing?

Scott: Linus on the desktop?

Peter: No, no, that was a good thing.

Peter: That was a good thing.

Peter: Warp is a good thing.

Peter: I mean, you could say…

Scott: Yeah, warp is a good thing, but…

Peter: You could say Linus on the desktop is depressing.

Scott: Right.

Scott: So what was the not so good thing?

Peter: Okay, well, it’s something good and annoying.

Peter: So there was something good, there was something annoying, and there’s something good and annoying.

Peter: So something good and annoying is my Comma 3X self-driving car module enhancement thingamabobber.

Scott: Oh, yeah, I was wondering how that was going to go.

Peter: It’s good and annoying.

Scott: Right up until you die.

Peter: No, no, no, no, not like that.

Peter: That’s not what I’m talking about.

Peter: I’m not talking about performance of the unit.

Peter: What I’m talking about is it’s clearly it’s a hacker project run by hackers for hackers.

Peter: Okay.

Peter: And the problem is there is no single like this is how to get so you want to get, you know, comma, right?

Peter: The comma will say like it’s really easy.

Peter: Here you go.

Peter: You can just install it.

Peter: They show someone in like a Hyundai, you know, or, or a Kia.

Peter: You just pop the little console behind the rear view mirror off.

Peter: Connect this in.

Peter: Mount the camera, the forward facing camera on the screen right there under it.

Peter: Just download your open pilot software and you go.

Peter: It’s that easy.

Scott: Sounds easy.

Peter: It’s great.

Peter: It’s I mean, what could be, what could be harder?

Peter: Okay.

Peter: Well, let’s just assume that maybe you’re not a gear head and the prospect of tearing that console thing behind the rear view mirror apart is a little daunting, especially when you say like, well, you start by going to the comma website and they’re like, hey, we don’t make open pilot the software that’s running on this thing that basically our product depends on for it to have any sort of function.

Peter: Yeah, that’s not us.

Peter: You go and check out their GitHub project.

Scott: Oh, so it’s an open source, not financially supported piece of software.

Peter: They probably are big contributors to it.

Peter: They may even be out, but right off the bat, they’re like, they give you a link on the comma AI website to GitHub.

Peter: So you go there.

Peter: I’m like, okay.

Peter: Now, here’s the thing, in the setup process, it would be so awesome to just say like, hey, if you want to install OpenPilot, type this URL.

Peter: But they don’t even do that.

Peter: They just like enter the URL to the package you want to download.

Peter: I’m like, I don’t know what, so right off the bat, like from step zero as a consumer, I’m being shot in the foot, right?

Peter: So now I have to go and search.

Peter: I have to look in and find the URL that I need to enter.

Scott: What you’re saying is you need to be the type of person that sets their opacity to something less than 100 on their terminal.

Peter: Bingo.

Peter: Precisely.

Peter: Exactly.

Peter: So, okay, I poked around a little bit, you know, hit a forum, figured it out.

Peter: Great.

Peter: Got it.

Peter: Download it.

Peter: And all of a sudden, oh, it’s installing something.

Peter: Excellent.

Peter: Okay, fine.

Scott: It’s installing something.

Peter: I had to figure out, you know, like how to run the wires.

Peter: I had to run the wires myself along the stripping along the, you know, the windshield.

Peter: And luckily in my Kia, it’s really, I was able to just like very tuck it, tuck, tuck, tuck it in.

Peter: I didn’t have to like pull everything down and stuff.

Scott: Did you ever do self stereo installs when you were a kid?

Peter: No, never.

Peter: It’s just like that though.

Peter: It’s just like that.

Scott: It only easy, probably less painful, to be honest.

Peter: But for me, it was, this was easy.

Peter: I was able to just like run the wire around, down the windshield, and then along the dashboard and right into the CAN bus plug-in.

Peter: Great.

Scott: Holy CAN bus, Batman.

Peter: And again, so there’s no, they’re making like a library of, I think there’s a YouTube channel of people installing their stuff.

Peter: So that’s their installation library.

Peter: You know, that’s how like, you know, but there was none for the Kia EV6.

Peter: There were other similar Kias that I was able to emulate, right?

Scott: So again, boy, this is a chicken and egg problem.

Scott: Their documentation is stuff that requires people to document it, do it without documentation.

Scott: Yeah.

Peter: So I started documenting this, but I’m like, okay, I want to be a good contributor, you know, a good, but I was able after much futzing around to get the little hardware module up in that, you know, console, that thing there.

Peter: I don’t want to take it apart again, because I’m going to have to fiddle with it again to jam all the wires and everything back up there.

Scott: You may need to take…

Scott: Did you use…

Scott: Did you wrap it in the installation foam tape that they use for stereo installs?

Peter: No, installation foam tape?

Scott: You’re going to hear a rattling.

Scott: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Peter: No, no, no.

Peter: It’s been fine.

Peter: It’s been like this for months.

Peter: Oh, yeah.

Peter: Oh, no, it’s fine.

Scott: It doesn’t move.

Peter: No, there’s no room.

Peter: There is no room.

Peter: It was just, just barely got it all, boom, you know, and that’s the other thing, too.

Peter: I’m afraid of like, I’ll release the little clips.

Peter: It’s going to explode all over the place, right?

Scott: It’s going to kill someone.

Peter: So I don’t want to touch that again.

Peter: So like, while I want to contribute some useful instruction, because they, because the instructions, you know, there are plenty of people on the forums trying to explain how to do it and none of them succeeded.

Peter: I got the vague idea that I needed to pull down and away.

Peter: And I got the idea that, oh, there are some clips.

Peter: And there were so many people like, yeah, I just ripped it off and broke mine.

Peter: It’s $14 to replace it.

Peter: Just, just do that.

Peter: There were people who couldn’t figure out how to break, how to do it, how to remove that thing without breaking it.

Scott: So here’s a question.

Scott: Now it might not have been specific to this project, but there must on YouTube already be some people who’ve popped that off for other reasons.

Scott: There has to be.

Peter: Right.

Peter: But that’s the point.

Peter: This is my point is this whole process is me accumulating other DIY pieces, you know, and putting it together.

Peter: And so, like, I wanted to say, this is the definitive guide, how to install a Comma3X in a 2023 Kia EV6.

Scott: By Peter Nicolaites.

Peter: But I didn’t document it as I went through every single step.

Peter: So instead, I’m just ranting about it, which will help nobody.

Scott: It helps me.

Peter: I’ll drink to that.

Scott: Because I don’t actually have a Kia EV6 and I don’t have a Comma.

Peter: Right.

Peter: But that’s the point.

Peter: I’m never going to install a Comma 3X in a Kia, in a 2023 Kia EV6 again.

Peter: It’s not going to happen, right?

Peter: So I’ve immediately lost the impetus to do this for myself.

Scott: True.

Peter: And while I like people, sometimes, occasionally, perhaps, I don’t like them enough to tear my car apart again to go through this, you know, this process to just and document all this for them, comma, you should be paying me to do this, right?

Scott: Right.

Scott: That’s the thing.

Scott: That’s the thing.

Scott: If this was just open source and you were all a bunch of enthusiasts and the entire thing was open source and you weren’t paying for something, then I could see, oh, I know why I have to contribute, but somebody’s charging money.

Peter: I contributed over a thousand bucks for this project already, so I’m good.

Peter: Thank you.

Scott: By the way, when you said that you like people, you forgot to put the qualifications not valid in all locations.

Peter: Not valid in all locations, all 50 states.

Scott: Some conditions apply.

Peter: The views expressed here by Peter Nicolaitis are not necessarily those of Peter Nicolaitis.

Peter: So then, troubleshooting, where do you go?

Peter: Well, you go right back to the Kama.ai website, which reminds you, no, you’re having trouble with OpenPilot, not with us.

Peter: Go over there.

Peter: Okay, great.

Peter: Yeah, what?

Peter: We don’t know.

Peter: So you go to the Discord, you go to the GitHub page, which refers you to their Discord community.

Peter: I go to the Kama.ai community on Discord.

Peter: And there are tons of channels.

Peter: There’s the General Channel, Lobby, General Discussion, OpenPilot Experience, Installation Help, For Sale, Kama Connect Prime, Feedback, Driving Feedback, blah, blah, blah, Development, Hardware, Hardware Body, Hardware 3X, 2Eon, Hardware Panda, Pedal, Unofficial, Vehicle Specific, Chrysler, GM, Ford, Mazda, Nissan, blah, English, Chinese, French, German.

Peter: So, you know, tons of places.

Peter: So I go into the General Channel and I’m like, hey all, Noob here, don’t hurt me, sorry.

Peter: I’ve looked around.

Peter: How do I report a bug?

Peter: And someone very helpfully pointed me to a form within Discord.

Peter: Ah, so I click on it.

Peter: I’m like, okay, great.

Peter: So, there’s a form right there where you figure you, you know, fill in and you can submit your feedback by Discord.

Peter: Okay.

Peter: Why is this?

Peter: Okay, fine.

Peter: One of the things it wants to know is what was the route ID?

Peter: Like, the what?

Peter: What the hell is that?

Scott: I-5?

Scott: What are they talking about?

Peter: Yeah, I’m like, I don’t know.

Peter: Apparently it’s a GUID.

Peter: It’s like, you know, whatever, like, okay, so now I go back to Google or Perplexity in this case, and I start searching.

Peter: How do I find the route ID?

Peter: Oh, okay.

Peter: So what I have to do is unmount the hardware from my car and bring it back inside, connect it via USB cable to a computer and start browsing the stuff on there to extract this information.

Scott: Why?

Peter: Because periodically, while it works, right, overall, I’m the stay in lane capability is a little inferior to the Tesla.

Peter: Everything else is better on the open pilot experience, okay.

Peter: But every now and then there’s a bug, like it’ll say, flashing red alert alert alert can bus disconnected resume control immediately or warning warning controls lagging or other various error messages.

Peter: I want to report these to somebody, right, because they’re persistent.

Peter: They happen a lot.

Peter: So I’m browsing.

Peter: So I’m like, okay, how do I do this?

Peter: So I naively unplug the thing, bring it in, plug it into my back book, thinking it’ll pop up as a hard drive, right?

Peter: Wrong.

Peter: It shows up and I get this little tiny pop up in the upper right corner in the notification center and it says Microsoft edge.

Peter: And then it tells me, I forget it, but it gives me a URL to find out how to mount this thing.

Scott: Oh my God.

Peter: So apparently now I need to install SSHFS and Mac fuse to be able to access the files on this thing and comma publishes another tool called cabana, which is I think supposed to be a play on words for like can bus something, something access or something.

Peter: And at this point I’m burned out because I’m like, okay, I started playing with it, but like, wait, so now I have to install Mac fuse and SSHFS again.

Peter: And oh God, I can’t do this today.

Peter: And you know, and I had to drive somewhere.

Peter: So I wanted to take the comma with me.

Peter: So I took it back downstairs and I put it into my car and I drove where I was going and I came back and I forgot it in the car.

Peter: The likelihood of me actually submitting this bug report goes down with every passing day.

Scott: Yeah.

Scott: And it was already probably low to begin with.

Peter: But I’ve made it.

Peter: I’ve made an effort.

Peter: But I mean, God, this is a Herculean task for me just to try to tell you guys, look, here’s the problem.

Peter: But this is clearly engineers and only engineers and they’re the only ones who care.

Scott: So yeah, normal people aren’t going to disassemble their car and learn how to install Macfuse.

Peter: Bingo.

Peter: So there you go.

Scott: So I’m guessing that it’s like some kind of little Linux distribution inside this thing.

Scott: And that’s why you need Macfuse so you can read XT4 or something.

Peter: But I don’t even think this is EXT4.

Peter: Oh, Linux XT4.

Peter: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Peter: I was thinking XFAT.

Peter: Sorry.

Peter: Yeah.

Peter: So anyway, so something good and annoying.

Peter: The Comma 3X, the OpenPilot project.

Peter: It’s good and annoying.

Scott: Sounds very annoying.

Peter: It’s like an early stage open source product that, you know, it’s we’ve got a bunch of engineers and there’s nobody who’s customer facing.

Peter: Oh, you want to support?

Peter: Yeah.

Peter: Just give us your route ID.

Peter: How do I find that?

Peter: Ah, install SSHFS and MacFuse and mount the thing and then I’m like, what?

Scott: Yeah, you’re, look, your whole job is doing computers.

Scott: You can do this if you could be bothered, right?

Scott: Like you can do this.

Scott: It’s a pain in the ass.

Scott: And is it worth it to you?

Scott: Probably not.

Scott: But you could do it.

Scott: But I guess this is their target market, is all Peter Nicolaitis’s?

Scott: More than Peter Nicolaitis, because Peter Nicolaitis is failing at this, so I’m feeling like I’m not up to the task of being a comma customer at this point.

Scott: Oh, man.

Peter: Anyway, so that was my rant, and I know, you know, to be fair, I don’t think it was actually a rant.

Peter: I think this was completely, you know, this was, this was totally earned.

Peter: Well thought.

Scott: Yeah.

Peter: Yes.

Peter: So on that, I’m going to drink some more.

Scott: OK.

Scott: Now tell me, remind me, what does your Kia have?

Scott: Well, your beer is definitely bigger than mine, because my beer has been gone for a long time.

Peter: That’s 16 ounces.

Peter: I’m taking my time.

Peter: I usually plow through it.

Peter: But then again, I’ve been drinking coffee on these shows lately.

Scott: So exactly.

Scott: Yeah, I know.

Scott: I can tell the difference since we’ve gone low alcohol.

Scott: Boy, can I tell a difference when I do drink a beer now?

Peter: Even a 5% are like, these are like, I’m feeling that.

Scott: Exactly.

Scott: Yeah, that is exactly right.

Scott: So to remind me what your Kia has natively in terms of driver aids.

Peter: It has traffic aware cruise control.

Peter: So it has a relatively mild stay in lane capability and it has forward collision sensing.

Peter: And that’s about it.

Peter: So this is a it’s a definite upgrade for this.

Peter: This, you know, and it’s much more reliable.

Peter: Like you would not count on the Kia to navigate a turn.

Peter: It’ll like tell you.

Peter: And it’s also very like like the Tesla.

Peter: It’s very rigid, right?

Peter: If it can’t navigate a turn, it’s going to be like, you know, red lights, resume hand control, you know, whatever.

Peter: The Kia will just let you go like right out.

Peter: And the indicator it gives you is like the little green light showing you that it’s staying in lane on your dashboard turns white.

Scott: Yeah.

Peter: That’s how you know you’re about to die.

Peter: You know, like if you’re looking at that light when it happens, which I’m usually not because I’m keeping my eye on the road.

Scott: Peter, don’t drive towards the light.

Peter: Yeah, no shit.

Peter: So…

Scott: You know what?

Scott: I don’t…

Scott: Here’s the thing that bothers me about that.

Scott: You say that you connect this thing.

Scott: First, you stick your hot wires directly into the campus, which sounds like a weird show, but…

Scott: You stick your hot wires directly into the campus, but here’s the thing.

Scott: If you’re getting errors and it’s saying, can bus disconnected?

Scott: I guess that’s the best outcome.

Scott: You really don’t want this thing screwing up communication on the CAN bus.

Scott: For sure.

Scott: I think.

Peter: Bingo.

Peter: Yeah, no, I don’t think I do.

Peter: Do I?

Scott: It makes me wonder, is the CAN bus used for anything critical?

Scott: Like, does the CAN bus, does like steering inputs go over the actual CAN bus?

Scott: They must, because if this thing is providing lane assist and so forth, it must be providing controls over the CAN bus.

Scott: So it seems like it would be possible for this thing to have a bug in such a way that your life could be endangered.

Peter: And this is the thing I don’t know.

Peter: My assumption is that the CAN bus is overridden by the steering wheel, the brake pedal and the accelerator.

Peter: And that if you do one of those, whatever is coming through the CAN bus gets overridden.

Peter: I’m assuming that anything that, when I say turn, if the comma says turn left and I crank the steering wheel right, that the car is gonna go right.

Peter: That’s an assumption.

Scott: Yeah, for sure.

Scott: I would think so.

Scott: I was listening to the bootleg version of ATP and Syracuse was surmising that steer by wire and brake by wire, things like that probably aren’t on the main bus.

Scott: They probably have their own closed loop system.

Scott: So maybe it’s a combination of the two.

Scott: Maybe they have a closed loop system to which they respond priority and then they also can take inputs from the canvas.

Scott: I don’t know.

Scott: Anyway, it’s not something you want to screw with.

Scott: That’s for sure.

Peter: Yeah, exactly.

Peter: So anyway, that’s it.

Peter: That’s my rant, my rant and rave.

Peter: And that’s about all I got right now.

Scott: Tell me very quickly though, unless you want to save it for next time.

Scott: You were watching a movie and listening to a podcast about a movie and you found them both highly enticing.

Peter: I did.

Peter: I saw the latest in the Monsterverse series, Godzilla X Kong.

Scott: I got to watch it.

Peter: I don’t care for the name.

Peter: It’s a silly name.

Scott: Yeah.

Peter: I would say two, two little T-Rex style thumbs up from Godzilla.

Scott: Oh, you’re not going to give it a big monkey thumb up?

Peter: Well, Godzilla doesn’t really, does he have thumbs?

Peter: I don’t even know.

Peter: Does Godzilla just have one?

Scott: He has to.

Scott: He’s got hands.

Scott: Oh, not Godzilla.

Scott: I’m sorry.

Scott: King Kong.

Scott: Oh, King Kong has.

Peter: Not that you have Kong.

Peter: We know Kong has hands.

Scott: But I’m saying instead of giving it little T-Rex thumbs up, you could give it gigantic monkey thumbs up.

Peter: I suppose I could.

Peter: So anyway, I saw it when it came out on Thursday and I enjoyed it a lot.

Peter: It was a lot of fun.

Peter: I’d have to go back and revisit all the other ones to see where it places.

Peter: But it’s one of the better ones.

Peter: I enjoyed it.

Peter: And you know, no spoilers if you haven’t seen it.

Peter: What I’ll say is the human interaction part of it is not annoying.

Peter: They don’t dwell on it.

Scott: But see, this is the problem with the Monsterverse, okay?

Scott: And this is the part that…

Scott: Was it Sheen Godzilla?

Scott: Is that the one we watched?

Scott: What’s the one that we watched that was Japanese?

Peter: Minus one, Godzilla minus one.

Scott: Godzilla minus one.

Scott: That was the thing about it was the humans were so good.

Scott: You were invested in the humans.

Scott: Whereas with the Monsterverse, mainly what you’re hoping is…

Scott: A good review is the humans were not annoying.

Peter: Yep.

Scott: Big difference in approach.

Peter: Well, yeah, but I mean, it’s totally different.

Peter: The Monsterverse is about the monsters.

Peter: And when they go in and…

Scott: Yeah, but that doesn’t mean they have to have cardboard cutouts of people that they move around in front of the camera.

Peter: But where the Monsterverse goes wrong is when they start focusing on the people and, you know, because they just never get it right.

Peter: That’s the thing.

Scott: Oh, I see.

Scott: I’m criticizing them for not focusing on people enough.

Scott: And you’re saying don’t even try.

Peter: No, because that’s not what they’re there for.

Peter: They shouldn’t.

Scott: They got to have some people to squish at least.

Peter: Yes, but you don’t dwell on that.

Scott: That’s true.

Scott: That’s true.

Scott: You just got to have some screaming and running.

Peter: That’s the point.

Scott: And some maybe catching on fire.

Peter: Bingo.

Peter: Exactly.

Peter: So I liked that a lot.

Peter: It was good.

Peter: I definitely want to see it again.

Peter: I don’t think I’ll see it again in theaters, but I did see it in IMAX with IMAX sound, big IMAX screen and with the shaking seats.

Peter: So when Godzilla like walked through a building or Kong smashes the building or something, you felt the seat rumble and stuff.

Peter: So that was nice.

Peter: I did like that.

Peter: The monsters were done well.

Peter: The fight scenes were fun.

Peter: You know, it was definitely fast paced, action paced kind of stuff.

Peter: So they’re definitely, you know, they’re hopping through scenes.

Peter: They’re like, you know, Monarch would be tracking.

Peter: So a little bit of exposition where like, you know, Monarch is like, Godzilla is now he’s heading straight to the, you know, the where this monster lives.

Peter: So he’s obviously going to power up now.

Peter: And you know, of course, Godzilla goes kills that monster.

Peter: And now he’s like super Godzilla, because that’s what he does.

Scott: Yeah.

Scott: So it’s like a video game.

Peter: It’s funny though, because like Godzilla definitely, he’s got like more control of his powers, whereas usually it takes him like some time before, you know, like now he’s like, you know, like he’s trying to like, he goes straight to the blast.

Peter: And he goes, boom, you know, nuclear blast.

Peter: He doesn’t have to like.

Scott: In the earlier movies, you’re like, what took you so long to pull that one out?

Scott: You could have saved yourself a lot of problems.

Peter: Exactly.

Peter: And now he’s just like, you know what?

Peter: I think I will go straight to the nuclear option.

Scott: It’s like Harrison Ford pulling out the gun and shooting the guy straight away instead of engaging in a fight.

Peter: Exactly.

Peter: He watched Indiana Jones.

Peter: And Kong, you know, Kong has definitely evolved some.

Peter: He’s more of a tool user now.

Peter: He has some new tricks up his sleeve, but it’s good.

Peter: I enjoyed it.

Peter: You know, the plot, it’s simple.

Peter: It’s a monster versus plot.

Scott: Without spoilers, without too many spoilers.

Scott: And if you can’t answer this without spoilers, then just say, I can’t answer this without spoilers.

Scott: That’ll be my clue that you can’t answer it without spoilers.

Scott: But can you, do you have to root for one of these guys or the other?

Peter: No.

Scott: Okay, good.

Peter: Not for long.

Peter: And there is, someone else shows up also, which did make me very happy.

Peter: So, yes, so it’s…

Scott: I gotta watch this.

Scott: I told Olivia, we gotta go watch this and she’s on board, so.

Peter: Yep, yep, no, someone else shows up who I was…

Peter: I wasn’t surprised once I saw, I saw where it was going, but I was a little surprised.

Peter: I was like, oh, I didn’t think we’d see this character.

Peter: And so, yes.

Scott: Nice.

Scott: Okay, now, right before we go on the theme of Japanese theme things, we went to a restaurant yesterday that’s not Japanese theme, but it’s called Toki and it’s Korean fusion.

Scott: But as we were walking around Portland, looking at different things, we stumbled across a restaurant called Tanaka.

Scott: And if you look at the URL for their website, it’s Tanaka Katsu Sando.

Scott: It is katsu sandwiches.

Scott: So like Tonkatsu or chicken katsu or imagine your favorite katsu here, which is basically a breaded meat.

Scott: So if you think of something cooked really well, not well done, but cooked well, cooked with skill, tastily, thank you, jerks, bunch of listeners, making me explain myself.

Scott: And then jerks breaded with better panko, you know, better crumbs.

Scott: Yeah.

Scott: And fried and all that.

Scott: And then you put that in some really good shokupan and you eat the sandwich and you’ve got the good sauces on there.

Scott: So basically, sanduichi, a katsu sandwich, which is what the Japanese like.

Scott: It’s what I like.

Scott: And I didn’t even know this thing existed.

Scott: And I’ve been wanting a katsu sandu.

Scott: I’ve been telling Anna, I’m gonna figure out how to make a good katsu sandwich because I don’t wanna waste the meat.

Scott: Like I gotta do this right.

Scott: So anyway, we had that and it was really good and it was expensive and as you can imagine, but they had really good matcha lattes and they had some really excellent matcha cookies with white chocolate drizzled on top.

Scott: And those were super good too.

Peter: Cookies.

Scott: But yeah, Tanaka, I’ll put a URL in the show notes.

Scott: And if you’re ever wandering through Portland, wondering why all the homeless are being homeless, you can, I just, wow, I shouldn’t have gone there.

Scott: But-

Peter: Portlandia.

Scott: Anyway, if you’re avoiding tents while you’re walking through Portland, you can go to Tanaka and have a Tonkatsu sandwich.

Peter: Excellent.

Scott: And it costs enough that you will be homeless by the time you’re done.

Peter: On that note.

Scott: And that’s that.

Scott: Yep.

Peter: I think we should probably-

Scott: Push our big red.

Peter: Push that big red button.

Scott: Tell your friends.