Episode 12 The Coffee Grinder is Stack I Won't

Wednesday, 24 Aug 20221 hour 09 minutes Transcript

Peter with Portland! Beer with Portland! Running with Portland! Peter visits Scott in Portland and drags him 13 miles through the woods before allowing either of them to be friends with beer.


The brew

Worthy Brewing
Baerlic Beer Company

The Topics

  • The Beer
  • PETER IS IN PORTLAND!!!!!!!!!?@1111!!!!!
  • Pilsners — they’re just ok
  • Siri doesn’t know who Peter is
  • Vegan Marionberry pie
  • Texas bootleg
    • Brisket
    • Sweet tea
  • Talking cats
  • Running
  • Driver assists
    • A lot of bad driving may just be driver assists
    • Scott’s Honda Accord Hybrid Sport
      • The choir of angels
      • Cars in EV mode have to make sound by law
  • Peter’s Vacation Legs
    • Texas
      • Corpus Christi
      • Some “ok” Texas barbecue
      • Playing with sea turtles
    • Oregon
      • Visiting Scott in person for the second time
    • Bahamas
      • Podcasting Blurring the Lines with Adam Bell
      • Covid travel requirements
        • The Walgreens Trip
  • Cat pong
  • Peter’s martial arts update
  • Accidents with movie gun props
  • Marvel cinematic universe
  • Coffee grinders
  • The deal with car dealers
  • Elon Musk is a scam